Over the weekend Sam, Abby, and I had a table at the Cincinnati Comicon. We were extremely excited to make our first con appearance together, and to debut the printed edition of The Electric Team #1. We cut it close to the wire–the first issue ends with page 26 which, you can see, doesn’t go up until tomorrow–but we got the books back from the printer a few days before the show, and fortunately they turned out great. Here’s Sam at our table:

We met people, we sold copies of our comic, and we had plenty of good conversation. There were lots of impressive guests there . . . we were two tables away from Jim Mahfood, right across the aisle from Chris Burnham, and only a short walk away from Chris Sprouse. I’m a big comic book fanboy, so it was a pleasure to see so many amazing creators in person. A high point was getting my Milk & Cheese hardcover signed by Evan Dorkin.
Abby is six years old, so it was a challenge for her to sit behind a table for 8 1/2 hours with only occasional breaks (DISCLAIMER: I didn’t force her to do anything, she volunteered for this). Fortunately she was a trooper and only got cranky a few times. After we had been at the con for awhile, she got inspired by the sight of artists charging people for drawings. So she decided she would start taking commissions and selling sketches.
Here’s the sign she made, and two sample drawings:

As you can see, she only charged a dollar a drawing, so it was a very affordable option for people looking for original art. She got five commissions over the course of the con, which is not too bad. Here she is signing one on the back:

The customer commissioned her to draw “a flower with a sword.” Abby went above and beyond, as you can see:

We had a great time at the con, and I want to thank everyone who showed up and bought a comic. In particular I’d like to thank the people who bought sketches from Abby, because it greatly improved her mood and made all our lives easier.
We’ll see you back at the con next year, Cincinnati, when we’ll be selling copies of Electric Team #1 – 4!