Good lord, this new page certainly looks different from those that came before, doesn’t it? That’s because regular Electric Team artist Samantha Albert is taking a well-deserved break, just for a few weeks, and my good friend Josh Burnett is stepping in to draw a short Mr. Amazing solo adventure.

Doesn’t that look great?
I wrote this story specifically for Josh to draw. What you may not know about Josh Burnett is that he’s a Renaissance man. For one thing, he draws hilarious comics, like the adventures of the unstoppable bearded he-man Adventure Jeff, and “Thoroughly Thurl,” a story for my Laser Brigade series.
Josh is also a writer, game designer, and illustrator. He writes an RPG blog called Bernie the Flumph; he’s the co-writer and co-illustrator of the staggeringly brilliant, cutting-edge RPG Leopard Women of Venus; he’s a co-writer and illustrator of the ENnie Award-winning Hobomancer, and author of the Hobomancer Companion; and he’s done a whole lot of other stuff, more than I have time to list right now. As you read these words, he’s probably working on six or seven different projects.
Today’s comic is exciting not only because of Josh’s involvement, but because I’ve been wanting to do solo adventures of the various Electric Team members from the beginning. This is only the first. We’ve already got a Plant Man story in the planning stages.
Anyway, who are these people with swords? Is there going to be violence? Tune in next time to find out!
[NOTE: Since I made this post, I switched the title page and page 1. The link above now leads to the title page, instead of the first page of the story.]