Dungeon Crawl Classics, as you may or may not know, is a game that is based on Dungeons & Dragons, but is extra awesome. Like, same basic ideas, with 10-15% additional awesomeness. That’s how I understand it, anyway. I’ve never played it, but after I read Crepuscular I was intrigued enough to start reading the DCC rulebook. And I never read game books, except for the ones that my friends write–that’s how good Crepuscular is!The zine includes a complete adventure, spells, magical artifacts, and all sorts of good stuff for your DCC game, lovingly illustrated by Mr. Burnett. Most importantly for our interests, it includes a two-page comic, written and drawn by Josh, about a husband-and-wife sword-and-sorcery duo, Moonblossom and Chance. This zine seems to be their first appearance . . . OR IS IT?
Now that some time has passed, the truth can be revealed! Moonblossom and Chance did not first appear in Crepuscular, but in the pages of The Electric Team. They made a cameo appearance in Perfect Pizza, back on page 208.
Here they are:

That’s them on the left. These guys:

First published appearance, right there!
It seems cosmically appropriate, since Josh drew the Moonblossom & Chance comic while he was sitting in the same room with Leighton and Sam, while we were working on The Electric Team.
So, if you want to know the further adventures of those two rapscallions from the pizza place, check out Crepuscular. Or if you just like cool pictures of snails, snail gods, and evil snail sorceresses.
You can order Crepuscular from DrivethruRPG, if that’s your thing.
Or, check this out, you can now order it from Goodman Games, publishers of Dungeon Crawl Classics. It’s an officially licensed zine. Goodman announce it just yesterday.

In conclusion, Josh does great work, you should check it out. Also, in between making Crepuscular #1 and #2, Josh is going to be drawing a six page story for us! Watch for it, it’s coming soon!