We Are Meeting Goals!
As I’ve mentioned previously, our Patreon is up and running, so if you want to support the comic, go check it out. So far the Patreon has done way better than I expected . . . so much better, in fact, that in the first two days, we met three of the goals I had set up. Crazy, right?
The three goals we reached are:
1. Regular blog posts. Instead of sporadic blog posts, I will commit to regular scheduled blog posts, at least two a week. The blog posts will be more than just a short note that the comic has updated, and will go into more depth. There will be treats and surprises.
2. T-shirts. We will make Electric Team t-shirts available for sale, featuring original logos and designs.
3. Bonus stories – Twice a month, we will supplement the ongoing Electric Team comic with bonus pages by guest artists. These will not be part of the main story, but will be connected to it.
For #2, Sam needs to design the t-shirts, which she will get to soon, after she’s finished the cover for issue #7. But don’t worry, we will have t-shirts on sale soon! That is a thing that will happen!
For #3, I am already in talks with our first guest artist, he’s excited, and I know what the story’s going to be. He needs to finish up his current project, but it looks like we’ll be able to launch our first back-up story in April. I’m super excited about this.
For #1, here we are, an extra blog post this week! It’s happening right now!
I’m still figuring out how this is going to work, but right now the plan is that I will have new blog posts every Tuesday and Friday. I’m still trying to figure out how to make the blog posts distinct from the patron-exclusive content; my plan right now is that the exclusive content will be in-world stuff, maps and history and fiction and tidbits about the world(s) of the Electric Team, and the blog will be about the real-world stuff. Like for instance, this blog post is about our Patreon goals.
Which leads me to two questions, for you the people:
1. What sort of material would you like to see in the regular blog posts?
2. What sort of additional goals would you like to see on the Patreon?
Leave your answers in the comments!