Ten Notes on Page 266
Page 266 has made its debut here on the prime material plane. Make sure you’ve read it, and then read on, for notes!

1. Another killer page from Josh Burnett! Josh said that he didn’t have any thoughts to share on this page–other than the fact that he enjoys drawing people punching Nazis–but he probably will about next week’s page.
2. Josh is currently running a successful Kickstarter campaign for an RPG zine called Draugr & Draculas.
On the site, Josh describes it thus:
Draugr & Draculas is a one-off zine for old-stye/OSR roleplaying adventure games. Dr&Dr focuses on vampires, undead, and spooky horror magic for use in your own fantasy RPG campaigns. The zine will be entirely written and illustrated by me, Josh Burnett. In accordance with the Zine Quest guidelines, Draugr & Draculas will be a 5.5” x 8.5” zine, staple-bound and printed in black-and-white. I estimate it should clock in at around 24-32 pages.
You can get a digital copy for $5, and a print copy for $10. I backed it–maybe you should, too!
3. I’m eager to get this story moving, but I still thought it was important to throw in this flashback. This is a story about Beowulf & Chrysanthemum, that’s appearing on the Electric Team website, so I thought it would be good if the Electric Team made an appearance, even if it’s just for a panel. I also really liked the idea of seeing Josh draw Leeta and Zarko, which he’s never done before.
4. When Josh first colored this page, I was like, “Oh, he made Leeta’s armor the wrong color,” and then I realized, “This is a comic with a limited and constantly changing color palette, most people probably don’t know what colors the characters’ outfits are, do they?” And then when I looked at it, I realized you could only see the “official” colors in a few places. I should probably do something about that. Anyway, I sent Josh a full-color picture of Leeta, and he corrected the armor.
5. The other reason I wanted to include the flashback was to make the sequence of events explicit–the scene from The Electric Team #8 where they fought the Nazis is now clearly identified as happening yesterday. This story is continuing the fight-the-Nazis storyline, just without the Electric Team.
6. Again, Abi wrote most of Chrysanthemum’s dialogue. She also named the Minixo.
7. “God’s teeth!” is an Elizabethan swear, so it’s about 600 years too recent for Beowulf. Still, it sounds old-timey, Beowulf is old-timey, and no one claimed this comic was historically accurate . . .
8. Like Swann Castle, the Fairy Fountain is based on a toy. Actually, two toys . . .
9. The Queen Cadence toy is visible in that second picture. Queen Cadence is named after one of Abi’s friends, just like Queen Caroline. Abi’s very generous with making her friends into royalty.
10. I had imagined that we’d spend a little more time at the Fairy Fountain, but when I looked at the number of pages we have, and the amount of story we want to tell, I couldn’t justify it. Sorry, Queen Cadence! So this is all we’ll see of the fairies for now, as the next page picks up with Beowulf and Chrysanthemum hot on the trail of the Nazis.