There’s a new page of The Electric Team up, and it starts like this . . .

What I’d like to point out is that, in the panel above, Leeta has a carrot hanging from her belt. And if you look closely, you’ll see that the carrot has eyes and a mouth. New readers may wonder about this strange detail. The carrot in question is Commander McCarrot, who was de-aged by Zarko into a little baby carrot. Leeta first tied him to her belt back on page 17, which came out on August 13, 2015. She’s been carrying him around ever since. I appreciate that Sam keeps remembering to draw him in panels like this one.

But what’s McCarrot’s story? Did his mind regress along with his body? Is he an innocent child, a tabula rasa? Or has he been plotting his terrible revenge against the Electric Team this whole time?