With the arrival of page 11, the last of our main characters’ names — Brianna and Jaxula — are revealed.


That means that our Cast page is now updated. If you went there before, it had a lot of black boxes and question marks in place of the characters’ names. But now the black boxes are gone, replaced by character portraits lovingly rendered by “Sensational” Sam Albert. Like this one:

Mr. Amazing, Brianna, Jaxula, and Plant Man were named by my daughter, Electric Team co-creator Abigail Connor. Leeta and Zarko took some discussion and negotiation, since their original names were trademark violations.

At first I had my doubts about the name “Plant Man,” and I tried to come up with something fancier, something plant based. And I think I had reached “Chloro-Phil” when I gave up and said, you know what, he’s a plant who walks like a man . . . “Plant Man” really sums it all up.

Anyway, check out that Cast page . . . it has additional background information that’s not been included in the comic yet.